Cats vs Charlie, an update

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Yesterday, about a mile into our trek, I spy a kitty off to the left. The scene went like this for Charlie:

==tug, release, tug, release==
step, step
==tug, release==
continue running…

I was *so* proud! And still I attributed some of the success to the fact we were on the bike.
To show off his new “ignoring kitty” skills, today I witnessed this while walking with him:

“cat!” (less intense)
==tug, release==
continue walking home…

So maybe letting him pull me on the bike for a block while he hunted a grey squirrel last week didn’t set him back after all ♥

Oh! The rehab gets better and better!!! Charlie has a bizarre fear of hoses. He won’t stay in the area while our hose is on (he ran out of the yard and into the house the first time we turned it on), nor will he drink out of a dish that he sees water being poured into (pouring water bottles look amazingly like hoses!). I’ve made some concessions, to make our lives easier (I don’t let him see me fill his portable water dish), while simultaneously working on those issues so they no longer exist (watering my garden while he’s in the back yard with the gate closed – he goes around the corner and sometimes watches). After our many-miled excursion today, he was thirsty when we got home – the outside water dish was empty and sitting just below the hose 😉 yeah, that’s right, I used his own instincts against him (really, against his fears!) 😀 He initially walked away when he saw me turn the knob, came right back when called and had a bladder-filling drink of fresh cold water – with a running hose in the bowl! 😀

About hahamommy

diana isn't enough of a description for ya? I am a fully, completely, perfectly flawed human being. And that's just fine by me.

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