My *Rockin* Chair

Kat brought an extra rocking chair with her from VA, all sanded and prepped and ready to be an amazing inspiration. And she offered it to *me*! The chair was a welcome horizontal space on our porch (along with the other rockin’ chair from the beginnings of Mary‘s motherhood journey). I’ve no *before* pictures, so you’ll have to imagine a plain wooden chair… until I decided to work some majik! I don’t consider it a *completed* project, there are still tweaks I’d like to do (one spindle and two rockers unadorned)… and I’m considering what else to do to the seat, to calm it down a bit… though I’m loathe to cover up this lovely in the corner.I used mostly acrylic paints (purchased at our buy art supplies cheap during the back to school sales spree)Then I just had to add some collage art, to make it more me… (this image, on the back of the chair, is from last year’s We’moon calendar)And these are from Mary’s stamp collection (saved in my paper-scrap-bag since my first visit to Corvallis!!) and they’re just above the collective women picture, on the back. Of course, I had to use my favorite medium of all – decorated kleenex facial tissues, and yeah, some of them are from my first visit to Corvallis, too ♥ (and why yes, I did put just a bit of the tie-dye napkin on the chair, it’s like the “where’s Waldo?” of the throne!)I bought the can of clear sealant yesterday, so I must be instinctively close to completion…

About hahamommy

diana isn't enough of a description for ya? I am a fully, completely, perfectly flawed human being. And that's just fine by me.

6 responses »

  1. This is way too cool! Thanks for sharing it.I kept holding onto your name badges at the table at check in time…hoping to see you. Sorry we didn’t get to connect in the flesh…but know you were in our hearts and minds.Hugs to you all!

  2. That’s gorgeous.

  3. That is one ROCKIN’ chair.:o)

  4. Hope your summer was grand. We have been BUSY!!!Oooh, this chair, this chair, this chair is out of this world…pairing of color and design is a perfect match. I want one on my porch!Thanks for the inspiration. Enjoy the beautiful Fall.

  5. yay, it looks awesome!!! so glad to see it sassy 🙂

  6. Woohoo…that’s coolest most right-for-you chair I ever saw! :0)Shell,


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