Post Conference Euphoria, pt 3

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Another Saturday Night at the Highland Bowl ♥ this time, with the free folk – lots of ’em!
At the LIFE is Good Conference, I heard that our friends from the UK would be swinging through Corvallis, on their PNW Tour of North America. As I had the distinct honor of playing Faerie Godmother to Linnaea, I wanted to do something distinctly American to celebrate more time together.Bowling!!Word spread to those willing and unwilling alike (yes there is at least one person pictured who had, until now, been resistant to bowling alley presence; none of us ever suspected a thing!) and our huge International Tribe stormed the lanes; much to our own pleasure!We were the best cheerleaders in the place. Yes, I will take full credit for leading the charge for pins relocated or not do you know how hard it is to miss all 10 pins?!I think the Brit got the best scoreEven beating his Nebraskan wife (seen here without the Linnaea shaped tumor she often had on her back while tossing the ball) Hands down, however, Marley stole the show. With her lucky Rainbow Leggings and her baby in the sling or at the foul line, and her skirt and twirl, playing for all four other players who had deserted her lane …A whole night of Living in Life Is Good!! Know that each of your presence was a present ♥
Wait til you hear about our trip to the beach… soon!

About hahamommy

diana isn't enough of a description for ya? I am a fully, completely, perfectly flawed human being. And that's just fine by me.

3 responses »

  1. and we are as enamored of YOU, our sunshine friend! 🙂 the lugo crew

  2. I spent last night bowling and making a total fool out of myself. I had a blast!

  3. Ooh, that looked so much fun! Thanks for sharing so many pictures. More, more! What a great group you have (had?) sharing their lives so good.


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