A Tour du Jour

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I love the fireplace.
I love the mirror
and it’s reflection of my sacred painting;
the mantle and it’s Hannah treasures… I’ve a feeling Kelli knew about this house before I did ♥
New life’s been breathed into our natty blue sofa
(thanks to Bree’s long-ago and forgetful roommate!)
We’ve a giant shelf & ginormous telly!
Oh, and a floor painted “Gathering Place”
I’m still flying my birthday flags ♥
right over by the cork board, in the sunny corner where Rumi
and some of our marble collection live.
Sunny, sunny dining room!
I’m gathering as much color as I possibly can,
to resist painting against the landlord’s request!
(Hey, there’s schmutz on the lens of the new camera phone!)
In the kitchen, I discovered a bubble in the door paint.
I had to pop it and pick and peel & so did the kids!
This kitchen was originally green.
Notice the tea/coffee shelf below ♥ below that is the baking shelf!
Subtly avoiding the piles of dishes in the sink 😉
I bring you a cherry infested corner of the kitschy kitchen ♥
I found purpose for those ducks!
And there’s a peek at my most beloved pie safe!
Gramma Bunnie & Hannah both keep watch over me,
reminding me to live JOYFULLY in the moment,
even the moments of dishwashing!

About hahamommy

diana isn't enough of a description for ya? I am a fully, completely, perfectly flawed human being. And that's just fine by me.

7 responses »

  1. Beautiful! I love your fireplace too and the corner hutch (is that what that's called? China shelf?).

  2. Very nice! Take pride in the making of YOUR HOME! You are doing all the work! Love ya and keep the spirit and live in the moment. Be an inspiration for everyone. After all you been doing exactly that for years!.

  3. It looks so wonderful, diana…so wonderfully diana even 🙂

  4. Hi, Diana!

    I'm new to the unschooling circuit. Not new to unschooling, but only recently created a family unschooling blog.

    I've so enjoyed visiting you here. Your new home looks like such a safe haven, and I am so glad you have it.
    Blues and greens, and bluegreens, are my favorite color to mellow out in! They soothe my soul.

    Nice to 'meet' you!


  5. you have such a sunny home! happy weekend! besos-jane

  6. I love the first picture, because of the peek-of-you we get in the mirror. Seriously, everything looks great!

  7. looks awesome! can't wait to see it in person 😉


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